329 BURGOYNE HOLDINGS LLC is an entity registered at Saratoga county with company number 6270811. 329 BURGOYNE HOLDINGS LLC located at the address 102 Ogden Avenue Apt. 404 Jersey City, Nj, 07307. Company is incorporated on August 31, 2021. The Chief Executive Officer is James Pollaci Current status of the company is active.
Company name | 329 BURGOYNE HOLDINGS LLC |
DOS ID # | 6270811 |
Initial DOS Filing Date | August 31, 2021 |
County | Saratoga |
Jurisdiction | New York |
Current Company Status | ACTIVE |
DOS Process |
329 BURGOYNE HOLDINGS LLC 102 Ogden Avenue Apt. 404 Jersey City, NJ, 07307 |
Chief Executive Officer | James Pollaci James Pollaci Jersey City, NJ, 07307 |
Registered Agent | Trainor Law PLLC 2452 US Route 9 Malta, NEW YORK, 12020 |