LITTLE CLOVE RD CORP. is an entity registered at Queens county with company number 6878819. Little Clove Rd Corp. located at the address 7103 67Th Pl Glendale, Ny, 113857001. Company is incorporated on June 16, 2023. The Chief Executive Officer is Fernando Saillant Current status of the company is active.
Company name | LITTLE CLOVE RD CORP. |
DOS ID # | 6878819 |
Initial DOS Filing Date | June 16, 2023 |
County | Queens |
Jurisdiction | New York |
Current Company Status | ACTIVE |
DOS Process |
Little Clove Rd Corp. 7103 67th Pl Glendale, NY, 113857001 |
Chief Executive Officer | Fernando Saillant Fernando Saillant Glendale, NY, 113857001 |
Registered Agent | Fernando Saillant 7103 67th Pl Glendale, NEW YORK, 113857001 |