LUZANA CORP. is an entity registered at QUEENS county with company number 3956533. LUZANA CORP. located at the address 99-15 66 Ave. #3E Rego Park, New York, 11374. Company is incorporated on May 29, 2010. The Chief Executive Officer is Levi Zavlanov Current status of the company is active.
Company name | LUZANA CORP. |
DOS ID # | 3956533 |
Initial DOS Filing Date | May 29, 2010 |
County | QUEENS |
Jurisdiction | NEW YORK |
Current Company Status | ACTIVE |
DOS Process |
LUZANA CORP. 99-15 66 AVE. #3E REGO PARK, NEW YORK, 11374 |
Chief Executive Officer | LEVI ZAVLANOV 99-15 66TH AVE 3E REGO PARK, NEW YORK, 11374 |
Principal Executive Office | LUZANA CORP. 99-15 66TH AVE 3E REGO PARK, NEW YORK, 11374 |
# of Shares | Type of Stock | $ Value per Share |
200 | No Par Value |
Filing Date | Name Type | Company Name |
May 31, 2010 | Actual | LUZANA CORP. |