SHIPA INC. is an entity registered at KINGS county with company number 4003109. SHIPA INC. located at the address 1252 72 St. Brooklyn, New York, 11228. Company is incorporated on October 3, 2010. Current status of the company is active.
Company name | SHIPA INC. |
DOS ID # | 4003109 |
Initial DOS Filing Date | October 3, 2010 |
County | KINGS |
Jurisdiction | NEW YORK |
Current Company Status | ACTIVE |
DOS Process |
SHIPA INC. 1252 72 ST. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, 11228 |
# of Shares | Type of Stock | $ Value per Share |
200 | No Par Value |
Filing Date | Name Type | Company Name |
October 3, 2010 | Actual | SHIPA INC. |