TINY TITANS DCC CORP. is an entity registered at Kings county with company number 6568158. TINY TITANS DCC CORP. located at the address 15 West End Ave Brooklyn, Ny, 11235. Company is incorporated on August 22, 2022. The Chief Executive Officer is Marina Khasido Miller,Mikhail Roytman & Anatoliy Voskoboynik Current status of the company is active.
Company name | TINY TITANS DCC CORP. |
DOS ID # | 6568158 |
Initial DOS Filing Date | August 22, 2022 |
County | Kings |
Jurisdiction | New York |
Current Company Status | ACTIVE |
DOS Process |
TINY TITANS DCC CORP. 15 West End Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11235 |
Chief Executive Officer | Marina Khasido Miller,Mikhail Roytman & Anatoliy Voskoboynik Marina Khasido Miller,Mikhail Roytman & Anatoliy Voskoboynik Brooklyn, NY, 11235 |